
Our products enhance existing disinfection routines to reduce infection risks from viruses and especially the transmission of resistant bacteria such as MRSA.

Whitebox Micro


Designed to disinfect bacteria, viruses, and microorganisms on smaller surfaces, such as PPA’s etc.

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Whitebox Mini


Designed to disinfect bacteria, viruses, and microorganisms on smaller surfaces like reusable face masks (N95), keycards, glasses etc.

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Whitebox Large


Designed to disinfect bacteria, viruses, and microorganisms from larger surfaces such as wheel-chairs, crouches and hospital walkers etc.

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Whitebox Air Cleaner


The air disinfection unit disinfect air automatically from bacteria and viruses to protect staff and patients.

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Whitebox Mini VR


The unit is designed to optimize disinfections of bacteria and viruses from VR head-sets.

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Whitebox Hand Disinfection


The unit quickly and safely removes bacteria and viruses from hands.

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Whitebox disinfection box helps technical aid central


Every day, technical aid centrals handle thousands of medical equipment. They perform all from advice, purchase, ...

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The energy company secures operations with Whitebox


The control center is a critical infrastructure operation with staffing around the clock on all days of the year. This makes the operations...

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Installation of Whitebox technology at Shifa Al Orman Hospital


For the last few decades, hospitals have taken the hospital-acquired infections seriously. The reason is that hospital-acquired infections...

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27 August, 2024

Why disinfect your VR goggles with Whitebox?

Avoid cost, save time and let your products live longer. Research shows that the use of AR and VR in education is increasing rapidly. Since VR headsets change hands frequently,…
24 June, 2024

We disinfect phones

Interesting study on decontamination of cell phones. A total of 15 studies with reports of SARS-CoV-2 contamination on mobile phones between 2020-2023 were included. Amongst all studies, which encompassed ten…

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